ISO 9001 : 2015

NFT Bobbin Probes
The new near field testing (NFT) eddy current technology is a rapid and inexpensive inspec- tion solution designed specifically for ID defect detection in carbon steel fin-fan tubes.
NFT probes cut cost and improve ease of use because they do not require expensive and cumbersome, externally referenced coils.
Near field probes are an excellent alternative to magnetic flux leakage (MFL) probes. This new technology, which is based on a simple eddy current driver/pickup design, produces signals that are very easy to analyze. Because NFT probes operate within the same frequen- cy range as remote field testing (RFT) probes, NFT probes are manufactured to be used with the standard MultiScan MS 5800 RFT connector. In addition, there is no magnet, making probe pushing and pulling a lot easier
Ideal for carbon steel fin-fan tubes
Excellent alternative to MFL probes
No need for a reference probe or extension
Excellent detection of internal thinning and pitting based on sensitivity of eddy current to lift-off (or fill-factor)
2 channels: absolute (ABSL) and differential (DIFF)
High-quality, amplitude-based signals for very fast and simple data analysis
Thick probe casing for increased durability
Compatible with the MultiScan MS 5800.
Compatible with competitor equipment with help of Reverse Probe Adaptors instrument